Groan, I know. As we approach 2020, more and more of our thoughts and topics tend to be about the new year that’s coming. Part of that can be something a large number of people dread: making a resolution for the new year. For a lot of us, the idea of adding one more thing to the old to-do list is hair-raising, and for others, the start of a new year can be painful, depending on what was left behind in the year before. As occasionally stressful and even cliche as this tradition may be, there’s a few reasons you should consider making a resolution to yourself.

  1. A resolution doesn’t have to be public: You don’t have to make some public declaration to hit the gym every day, or eat a totally clean diet. Instead, make a goal to be kinder to yourself, and focus on what matters, rather than announcing it to the world.
  2. It’s a positive way to ring in the new year: Making a promise to yourself to work on improving yourself, whether it’s pursuing your passion or leaving a bad habit behind, is putting a hopeful spin on the first hours of your year.
  3. There’s fun in doing it together: If you’re making one of your goals to get healthy, why not include a family member or significant other in your plans? Having someone to support you in your efforts and being there for someone will give you a greater chance for success.
  4. It’s a fresh start: It’s a brand new year with no mistakes in it just yet. Take the opportunity and embrace that fresh start by pushing yourself in the new year.
  5. It just might lead to something awesome: Your resolution to keep up with the yoga you started in treatment may lead to great, healthy new friendships with people who’ll help you succeed in life. You never know what’s behind a door, so it’s important to leave the doors in life unlocked.

Most of all, resolve to do what makes you happy in the new year. Resolve to push yourself a little more to better your situation in life, and resolve to keep your resolutions, if you make them. Keeping your word is an important aspect of your sobriety, so resolutions for the new year may help give you the chance to keep yourself honest.

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. You may feel ashamed or overwhelmed by what you’ve done or what you’ve been through, but The Springboard Center is prepared to help guide you as you work to regain control of your life. Make the call and get help today: 432-620-0255.