Rock bottom is a place almost every person who’s struggled with addiction has been before. For some people, it’s less severe than others. No two people on this planet are exactly alike, and everyone hits their own rock bottom in a different way, for different reasons. When you’re at this point, it can be scary and overwhelming, to think about how far you’ve slid down and how far you have to go to get to a better place than you are. It’s often a place filled with a lot of remorse, shame, stress and any number of emotions that weigh you down.

It’s also the best place you can be if your life has been in free fall, or if you’ve been slowly sliding down the hill. You’ve done something you never had before: you pushed yourself to your absolute limit in some way. Maybe you were finally pulled over for drinking and driving. Maybe your home or vehicle is about to be repossessed due to financial problems, whether stemming from drug or alcohol addiction or not. Maybe your spouse left you due to your prescription drug problem. Whatever it was that got you to this point, you’ve finally reached your limit, where you and most likely the people who love you, are telling you ‘enough is enough’.

Whatever has gotten you to this point and the fact that you are at this point in your life doesn’t define you, despite how it may feel while you’re in the midst of it. Your friends and family, even your coworkers, have their own battles and struggles, and while it may be hard to swallow, facing them with whatever has happened looming over you, chances are, they’ll take you by surprise and be more kind that you think. Don’t run away when you hit your rock bottom; embrace it, and make something of it. Reach out to loved ones you trust and use your rock bottom as the springboard with which you start your ascent.





Rock bottom can be a scary place, more so if you try to face it alone. If you’re struggling with an addiction and have finally hit that low point where you’re ready to get help, The Springboard Center is ready to help you today. Their phone line is open 24/7, and they can help you get clean in a program tailored to your personal needs. They even offer a family support program for your loved ones as well. Don’t linger at your rock bottom another day. Get help, and call: 432-620-0255.