When we first really come into sobriety and we’re in a somewhat delicate state, we’re often overcome with anxiety and fear. Even the smallest stressor or setback make us feel like we’re absolutely bound to relapse or need further treatment. We tiptoe around our lives, sometimes scared to even breathe for fear of triggering cravings. The things we loved to do before addiction remain untouched, for fear of old habits creeping back in, and we hesitate to try anything new, because we don’t want to fail and consider substance abuse to cope with the disappointment.

Sobriety can be scary, especially if your battle with addiction has been a long one. You can feel like you just don’t know how to live as a sober person, and it’s usually nerve wracking trying to establish a daily routine of some sort that seems normal after everything that you went through.  This anxiety about being clean and sober is normal; a large majority of people who battle addiction later deal with being afraid to just live their lives when they’re finished with treatment. Luckily, there’s an easily way to overcome this.

You get out of bed, you get ready to face your day, and you take it an hour at a time, if you have to. Then you go to sleep, and repeat that, day in and day out. Whatever comes your way, whether it’s a chance to pick up an old, healthy hobby you once enjoyed before you were caught in addiction or the opportunity to try something fun and new, whatever the situation, you simply have to face it, and get through it. Consider what you’ve already overcome. Addiction takes us to dark, dangerous places in our minds and in the world, and to survive that and be able to have a sober life is nothing short of amazing. If you can make it through all of that, can’t you face whatever your day brings?

It’s okay to be uneasy when you’re getting your sealegs with living sober. Even people who don’t struggle with addiction can feel anxious when it comes to their life and the fear of failure, but it can be especially crippling when you’ve battled substance abuse in the past. Triggers and cravings can be a constant concern in the early stages of sobriety, but be brave. Life is full of every kind of opportunity you could want if you’re courageous enough to take them.





Most people experience fear when they make the decision to get sober. Don’t let the fear of the unknown prevent you from the possibilities recovery offers- health, happiness, and long term sobriety. The future is yours. Take action now by calling us at The Springboard Center: (432) 620-0255