Many people find that they are their own worst critic, and while being mindful of your flaws or your mistakes is important, we tend to come down on ourselves extremely hard, more than we would if a loved one made a mistake, or upset us. For people struggling with addiction, this is especially true, because so many people who have battled the disease struggle with severe self esteem or self confidence issues, along with depression or anxiety. There’s a great deal of difference between taking ownership of one’s flaws and shortcomings and constantly berating yourself or getting angry. Learning how to balance the two is key to having both a healthy confidence and a healthy dose of humility as well, and when you’re in recovery from addiction, that balance can make all the difference for you. Being kind to yourself means taking care of you, physically and emotionally, and remembering that you’re not perfect. Below are six tips for being kinder to yourself.

  1. Remember that everyone makes mistakes they really regret – It may not be addiction related, but every single person on this planet makes mistakes that at some point, they regret or wish they could change. No one is flawless.
  2. Don’t give in to negativity – Even the most positive person will have some kind of negative thought about themselves at some point. Acknowledge it, change what you’re doing if it’s something that’s not positive, and then let it go. Don’t stew on it.
  3. Remember to laugh – We can get so caught up in policing ourselves that we forget to actually enjoy things. Be nice to yourself, and let yourself laugh a little.
  4. Set yourself up for success – Don’t bite off more than you can chew, then get upset with yourself for choking. Be reasonable with what you think you can accomplish, and slowly build up from there.
  5. Eat better and stay active – When you feel better physically from the right foods fueling your body, it’s easier to find patience with yourself, and when you’re feeling frustrated or upset, take the opportunity to work it out by working out, even if it’s just a brisk walk or deep cleaning your shower.
  6. Don’t forget that each day is a victory – even on your worst days, when you’re struggling to find anything you like about yourself, remember that every day you’re not wrapped up in addiction is a day worth living.





If you’re struggling with addiction, don’t let it steal one more of those days from you. The Springboard Center is available 24/7 by phone, and they’re ready to help you reclaim your life. Call today: 432-620-0255.