When you’re having to watch someone begin to spiral down into addiction, it can be extremely difficult to see. If this person is a friend, it can be even worse. As much as you want to help them and see them rebuild their life if they’re in the grip of a heroin addiction, it can be difficult to find the right words to use when it’s time for you to talk to them about it. That moment will probably be a very important moment in terms of their recovery, because it can either signal the beginning of the work to become sober, or it can be something that upsets them and drives them further in. If that happens, there’s little you can do about it than continue to be there and wait for that moment to come around once again. When that moment comes, it’s important to remember a few things.

If you judge your friend for their choices or mistakes, it’s not going to encourage them to get help for their problem. It’s extremely important that you make sure they know how much they mean, not only to you but to their other friends and family as well. You see THEM, not their addiction, and you only want to help them, so that’s exactly what you should tell them. It may be nerve wracking, but if you truly care for your friend, it’s crucial that you reach out to try to help them. It’s natural for people to react with anger over it, but for the most part, after that anger fades, it may surprise you how willing to accept help your loved one may be.

It’s just as important to understand that some people may not be willing to accept help, from you or anybody. Like the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to the water, but you can’t force it to drink. You can reach out and go to great lengths for your friend who’s struggling with an addiction, and it may not make a lick of difference. If they’re not ready to accept that they need to get help, they won’t take it from anybody, much less a friend, and in a lot of situations, pushing them too much on it when they’re not ready will simply make them double down and resist any efforts to help them.






When you’re finally ready to get help, don’t feel ashamed of your addiction. Your struggle is part of who you will be in recovery, and it’s important to embrace it as you take the first step. The Springboard Center is ready to help you overcome your heroin addiction and offers a family support program as well. Don’t let heroin control you for one more day. Make the call and get help: 432-620-0255.