Being a good friend is not just a skill a person has, it can be developed. Being a friend who is not very good can make a person not very fun to be around and, in fact, even toxic. Many people don’t ask what it means to be a good friend. In sobriety, it is a great question to ask yourself, and those around you, as you relearn the skills needed to venture into recovery with a different mindset. Learn more about what makes a good friend and how to practice these things in your life to become the kind of friend others would like to have.


You don’t need all the answers and you don’t always need to have the perfect response up your sleeve. Sometimes, it can be hard to figure out the best way to be there for someone. It helps to not offer unsolicited advice without permission. When you are being vulnerable, it helps to not try to fix their issue. Be humble, listen, and wait to offer feedback.


Be your truest self. Your friends want to know who you are, not the person you’re pretending to be. Be authentic, cultivate courage, and be vulnerable. It helps to show up as yourself all of the time, but it takes practice. It can be scary to show up as yourself when you maybe were put down for being that person. Practice makes perfect when it comes to being yourself with friends.


Set your boundaries. Ask yourself what is acceptable and what is not. You are not doing anybody a favor by not having boundaries. When you set boundaries, it is not to ruin a relationship, but to maintain it. When you set boundaries, it is out of love and respect for the relationship.


You don’t need to be perfect to be here now. You are worthy of love and connection just as you are. Vulnerability is about having courage to show up. When you are vulnerable, you can truly be


A good friend tells you the truth, even the truths you don’t want to hear. A good friend loves you long enough to risk hurting your feelings for a minute by calling you out on your stuff to help you grow. A good friend does not let you get away with being less than you can be, less than your ability.

The Springboard Center’s addiction treatment programs are tailored to meet the needs of each client. Being a good friend can be hard when it comes to speaking difficult truths to a loved one about their addiction. We are here to help them take the next step in their journey by supporting their pathway to healing with our programs and services. We will help them build relationships that will keep them moving forward in recovery. Call us to get started: 432-620-0255